Mills in Alto Aragón

Visit the mills

Most recent
Noales (S)
Calvera-Obarra (S)
Yésero (S)
Bestué (S)
Araguás (S)
Tella (S)
Aquilué (S)
(Sallent de Gállego) (S)
Escalona (S)
Viu de Linás (S)
I vividly recommend you to follow the trails first. They will bring you to mills which are very well preserved or which are interesting in one respect or another.
The harinero trail brings you to flour-mills.
The aceitero-trail will immerse you in the world of olive oil.
The electricity trail will introduce you to the early years of electricity.
And we have some mill stone quarries also.

There is no batán-trail because all such mills are in ruins and only parts of the fulling-mill of Lacort remain.

Legend for the list of sites
(2)Numbers give the number of mills we have for this village.
(M)There is a museum that can be visited.
(E)There is an exhibition in open air.
(Q)Stone quarry (has its own map layer).
(S)Stones with no mill nearby (have their own map layer).
(Aler)(Names) flag mills in really bad shape. But even then some parts may still deserve a visit.
  Alphabetical list - Find a mill on the map

  • A visit to La Ferté-sous-Jouarre (France) the Mecca of the milling stones.
  • A visit to Epernon (France) the source of the last stones of La Ferté.
  • A visit to India: the Gharat in the Himalayas is very similar to the mills in Aragón.
Learn about the parts of a mill
Visit the mills; catalogue
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