Pictures: 3.i.2012
La fábrica comenzó a funcionar en 1924. Su propietario original fue José Guiral, para pasar a manos de su viuda tras su muerte. Es posible que en origen fuera un molino harinero y aceitero, además de central eléctrica.
The business started in 1924. Its first owner was José Guiral and after his dead ownership passed
to his widow. It is possible that the site orginally housed a flour and an oil mill and furthermore also produced electricity.
Fábrica de harinas y aceites
Sucesor de Viuda de A. Guiral — Angüés
The exhibit shows machinery of an important manufacturer of old: Buera.
based in Tortosa. The same brand is also present in the village mill (museum now and well worth a visit) of
Notice that the oil pump features three cilinders; at most other places there are only two (e.g. Banastón, Centenera, Castillazuelo).
esteras. Often (f.e. also El Grado) a turntable (6) was needed to make it possible to reach the required corners of the workplace.
vagoneta) on turntable