Mills in Alto Aragón — molino harinero


Allué is situated between Sabiñánigo and Yebra de Basa.
The mill is on the Río Basa.

All pictures: 25.xii.1998

Molino de Casa Bara

Decommissioned stones are typically recycled as garden tables.

Old mills in Aragón —and probably everywhere else for that matter— do not have many options.

Most of them are abandoned, then forgotten and later on slowly disintegrate by the effects of the weather.

Some of the mills, after they are gone, are remem­bered and their name is given to streets (e.g. Castiello de Jaca), village squares, even housing projects.

Still other mills are recuperated and then resurrect as a (second) residence, an appartment block or a tourism office. In all these situations the end result is more or less the same: a total loss of the original layout of the construction and its contents — apart from the stones naturally.

That is what here also happened. At the time of our visit, the pond was filled with earth and vegetables were grown.

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