Mills in Alto Aragón - aceitero


Juseü is a small village in the Ribagorza region. Juseü is easily reached from Graus, or Barbastro. From both cities, take the main road N-123 towards the East, to Benabarre. Leave the N-123 in Torres del Obispo, where Juseu and the N-123a towards Graus are indicated. Follow the narrow road to the South and Juseü which you will reach after about 5 km. Find a space for your vehicle and walk the GR-18 towards the West, to Aguinalíu. You will soon recognize the sight of (1) and maybe the information panel of (5).

Pictures: 21.x.2015

(1) The village of Juseü seen from the approximate position of the mill.

At the time f our visit here wasn't much left of the mill. It proved impossible for me to determine where exactly the building with the oil extraction equipment must have been. Even a thorough examination of old aerial photographs didn't help.
We were close though, because on a small piece of flat ground we discovered a heap of old wood that turned out to be beams of the old press (2, 3). The mill of Juseü was equipped with one of those huge cantilever presses of old.



Among the remains the virgenes —the vertical beams of the press—, the tuerca —a wooden block with a hole for the screw —, and trabones —short beams with a handle used to manage the canti­lever— could be recognized. There was also an old ruello, a mashing stone (4), lying around.
At the foot of the hill, just outside the village, an information panel (5) boosted all the things to see and to do in the village and its surroundings. It shows a photo of two upright beams, that may have been part of a (the?) cantilever press, but I am not sure because the slits appear to be on the wrong side. Apart from two drawings there is no further explanation of the business of oil pressing.


†: A cantilever press can be seen on display in Barbastro (stood originally in Puy de Cinca), Panillo, or in Graus (from Castarlenas).. Also on site in the mills of Formigales, Trillo, and in Aguinalíu (although this one is in poor condition).

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