Pictures: 10.iv.2007,
Opposite the mill some stairs will bring you from the road down to the river which you'll have to cross to reach the mill (1).
The molino is a rather small construction dominated by a pond with sturdy walls (1, blue arrow). The roof collapsing under the weight of the years has leveled all the inner walls (3-5).
From the mill lines ran to Aineto, Solanilla (see the mill of Solanilla), Abellada and Azpe to the South.
To the North the lines serviced Villacampa and Gillué via Escartín.
To the East the lines ran via Aineto and reached Secorún, Cañardo, and Matidero (see the mill of Matidero). Laguarta had its own humble mill producing electricity until 2006 when the village finally was connected to the modern grid.