Mills in Altoaragón - aceitero


Fumanal is on your map. Congratulations.
From L'Ainsa take the road for Campo. Turn right after 13 km where Tierrantona is signposted. Leave the main road where Muro de Roda is indicated (right turn to the village school). Follow the small road past the school-yard and drop the car where a small river crosses your path. You could continue by car, but it really is such a nice walk you wouldn't want to miss it. Walk up-hill until you find the first GR-1 markings. At that point leave the dirt road for a smaller track (you are on the GR towards Humo de Muro) which brings you to the mill after few steps more.
(1) Fumanal; the mill was situated at the right of the houses — 2000
(2) Facade of the mill; top of the press visible at right side — 2001
(3) What was once the workfloor of the mill — 2000
At the time of our visit barely the front wall of the mill was strong enough to keep upright (2). With some effort the press (3-7) could be located between the lush brambles. The poles stood but the other parts had lost all consistency (6).
It was a prensa de viga —the type with the large beam like in e.g. Trillo or Panillo. The main beam broke (4-7) under the weight of roof and vegetation and therefore the screw was doomed also.

(4, 5) sections of the press

(6) Press, looking to the back of the mill — 2000
(7) Press, looking to the front of the mill — 2000

Notice the scars in the walls: seams and blind arcs (7). The structure has undergone several renovations.

(8, 9, 10)

(11) The workplace of the oil mill cleaned up — 2018

When we visited again in 2018, the site's new owners had the mill completely cleaned up. The vegetation was removed and the walls and remains of the press demolished.

What remained more or less intact was the olive crusher with its truncated conical roller stone (11). The base plate of the crusher measures ∅ 330cm and the edge stone ∅ from 90cm to 95cm.

(12) Bottom plate of the press = regaifa — 2018

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