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This site in 2010: |
December 2010 | + | Watermills in Aragón: We report on the present situation of some mills
we had visited fifteen years ago. It is a sad sad story. Nice mills gone to shambles.
The aceitero of Coscojuela de Sobrarbe which is on the heritage list of Aragón.
Also the mill of Torrolluala de Obico.
De oliemolen van Coscojuela de Sobrarbe die op de erfgoedlijst voorkomt. De watermolen van Torrolluala de Obico. |
+ | Roadsigns: From New Zealand a new Children's crossing and three new Falling Rock Signs (by Van Herck & Demarest). Also several new Falling Rock Signs from Madeira (V. Goethals). |
November 2010 | + | Roadsigns: From Ecuador a new Falling Rock Sign and also new Children crossing the road (by S. Feys, new contributor!). From Costa Rica an old weathered Children's crossing sign (by A. Klaver). J. Koelstra came back with Falling Rock Signs from Menorca and from Spain. |
+ | Watermills in Aragón: The watermill of Rivera de Vall: wheatmill in the Ribagorza with a really nice wooden wheel. De watermolen van Rivera de Vall. |
October 2010 | + | Watermills in Aragón: The watermill of Solanilla: wheatmill in the Guarguera. De watermolen van Sollanilla. Also the mill of Abellada. De watermolen van Abellada. Both in the Guarguera and both at a lovely spot. |
+ | Roadsigns: The first Children's sign from Dubai (by C. Veillon, longtime contributor). Also children from Kosovo (J. Koelstra). The Balkan is a good region to get the country count up. |
September 2010 | + | Roadsigns: From Panama (new country) a Man at work sign and some Children's crossing signs also (by Baeten & De Dier). P. Tan (new contributor) supplied the first Men at Work sign from Singapore. Also a new Falling Rock Sign from Ireland by J. Koelstra. |
+ | Old Painted Advertisements: Three chocolate advertisements: Menier, Poulain and Cémoi at our dedicated Chocolate page. Also a really splendid advert for soapflakes Baquesíl (found in Spain by A. Guët). |
August 2010 | + | Roadsigns: Again from Spain and again a Children's crossing. A most fabulous old sign with four children walking towards school. Found by M. Coronas (new contributor). |
July 2010 | + | Roadsigns: A. Klaver found a real treasure in the north of Spain. A very old precursor of the modern Children's crossing where mom walks her offspring to school. |
June 2010 | + | Roadsigns: The first proper Men at work sign from The Gambia: One sign - two men! Also from The Gambia several new and nice Children walking to school. All by team members of the first hour Baeten & De Dier. J. Koelstra brought back a new Falling Rock Sign from Croatia and from Greece three more. |
+ | Old Painted Advertisements: A nice Bartissol advert in our wine and liquor section. Also a new Dubonnet. Non alcoholic drinks shows a new Café quotidien wall. Also a new wall with paint Valentine. |
May 2010 | + | Watermills in Aragón: The oil mill of La Muela (Naval) muy ruinoso but interesting nevertheless. De molen van La Muela. Checked all URLs at the link page for mills; also added some new. |
+ | Roadsigns: From Albania (new country!) our first steps into the world of espionage with a Children's crossing sign. Also a Falling Rock sign (both by J. Koelstra). From China a Falling Rock Sign with enormous boulders (R. Mason, new contributor). | |
+ | Old Painted Advertisements: A really splendid wall with a nice lady giving the advice to do your cooking with electricity (by E. Deschepper, new contributor!). From France in our Home appliances: a modern Lincoln and also a new Frigidaire advert. |
April 2010 | + | Roadsigns: New roadsigns from Portugal: Children's crossing (by J. Torfs and also N. Breine). Good news it isn't. From the same country also a new Falling Rock Sign influenced by Germany (N. Breine). Finally from Jordan a new Men at Work sign (M. Tailly). |
March 2010 | + | Old Painted Advertisements: A new brand in our bodycare section: two murals for Cadoricin based on Castor oil. Both walls are from Paris (by A. Guët and O. Gilles-Rebours: new contributor!). We have also a new title in newspapers: Le Petit Marseillais and on the same wall the Vermouth Noilly Prat (by A. Guët). |
+ | Watermills in Aragón: The mill of Sarvisé corn mill and powerstation. De molen van Sarvisé. | |
+ | Roadsigns: Checked all URLs on the page with links to related sites. Removed dead links. Added site of J. Koelstra with an extensive collection of roadsigns from all countries in Europe. |
February 2010 | + | Roadsigns: The first roadsigns from Corsica: Men at Work and Falling Rocks (new country by Eva Tailly, new contributor!). Also a new Falling Rock Sign from Jordan (by M. Tailly). This find sheds a light on the production process which is probably shared with Sweden! |
+ | Watermills in Aragón: An interview with the last miller of the Molino de Aso: wheatmill and powergenerator. It's perhaps a good idea to read L. Bara's account of his years in Aso de Sobremonte. Gesprek met de laatste molenaar van de Molino de Aso. Dit is mischien een goed moment om ook even L. Bara's relaas te lezen over zijn jaren in Aso de Sobremonte. |
January 2010 | + | Bartolomeo starts his 15th year online |
+ | Old Painted Advertisements: New in our wine and liquor section: a Suze wall from Donzenac (France) on top of something that's useful for cars and more general uses —It's a guess what that might be. Also a peculiar St Raphaël from La Chaume Blanche with the waiters split up. From New Orleans a nice Ginger Julep. From Mexico Ice cream Holanda® and finally from Burkina Faso a fresh Fanta wall. (all by M. Chartier). |
December 2009 | + | Watermills in Aragón: The watermill of Beranúy: wheatmill and powergenerator. De watermolen van Beranúy. |
+ | Old Painted Advertisements: A very nice advert for Marouf cigarettes in our new Smoking section (bij L. Parmentier, new contributor). Recovered in the same section: the cigarette rolling paper Carlets. We have also a peculiar Citroën wall (found by G. Taran). More to come. |
History | + | This site in 2009 |
+ | This site in 2008 |
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