La Muela is a small nucleus in the Somontano de Barbastro.
It belongs to the village of Naval (see
Naval's mill) and nobody lives there permanently.
The easiest approach is not from Naval but from the East from the main road between L'Ainsa and Barbastro.
Coming from L'Ainsa drive until You pass Abizanda (see
Abizanda's mill). A short
while further on a branch to the left leads to Mipanas (see
Mipanas' mill). Then comes
a rest site with panoramic view over the lake. The road goes over the top of the hill and turns rather sharply to the right.
You are now near km 17. Where the road turns left is a dirt road running to the right into the hills.
That's the one which will bring you to La Muela. Make sure you have enough clearance, or better still, walk the track.
Pictures: 01.X.2007