Nederlands Path: Home / Country list / Children's crossing signs worldwide / in Portugal

Children's Crossing Signs in Portugal

Valença (Minho), vii.1999

Looking for Children's Crossing Signs in Portugal is most dis­appointing. There is probably only one decent roadsign out there: in Valença. It shows offspring with decent clothes, drawn with much detail, collec­tor's delight. It reminds me of an observation from the Azores which is perhaps even better.

The other signs are bleak shadows of it, or variations on the widespread Mediterranean kind (see Malta for an overview). Only a bit worse. I didn't feel very much like letting them in. But I did. Because Bartolomeo's mission is to report roadsigns as they are howsoever sad their situation.

Lisboa, v.1998;
pict. S. Visser
Montemor-o-Velho, 5.viii.2010;
pict. M. Hoffmann
Lisboa, 17.ix.2009; pict. J. Torfs
Lisboa, 20.ix.2009; pict. J. Torfs
Lisboa, 17.ix.2009; pict. J. Torfs
Evora, 13.vii.2011; pict. E. Tailly

Path: Home / Country List / Children's crossings worldwide / in Portugal
More signs from Portugal: Men at Work - Falling Rock signs
Roadsigns from the Azores: Men at Work - Falling Rock - Children's Crossing signs
Roadsigns from Madeira: Men at Work - Falling Rock - Children's Crossing signs