Nederlands Path: Home / Country list / Children's crossing signs worldwide / on the Azores

Children's crossing signs on the Azores

Candelaria, v.1998; pict. S. Visser Ginette, iv.1998; pict. S. Visser
The signs from the Azores tell us a story. The Candelaria children stem from the time way back, when only some lucky children could go to school. The drawing is rather static but this strengthens the atmosphere of radiating pride. (Visit mainland Portugal for a similar sign)
The Ginette sign tells us a different story. We witness a case of horrible misbehaviour.
The boy tries to recover his dagger planted in her head. The girl hurries away to escape further attack.

Lagoa, Saõ Miguel; 27.xii.2000; pict. S. Visser
Whoopee !! What a find.
Look at the hair cut. The boy wears long trousers. Boot-cut trousers. All very much 1970s.

Could there be any relationship with this (right) road sign from France ? Or is it only coincidence?

Find more long trousers in Austria.

Disaster struck. Modern button-heads on the Azores.
They don't seem sure yet about which design to copy: the waist-line and trousers from Portugal or the shape­less figures from France, which at least have feet.
Ponta del Gada; Saõ Miguel;
27.xii.2000; pict. S. Visser
French children Portuguese children Pico; vi.2002;
pict. J. Van Waeyenberge

Terciera; VI.2002;
pict. J. Van Waeyenberge
A peculiar sign because both persons walk in a direction parallel with our line of view. Custom is to cross our line of view.

Find two similar nice old fashioned signs in France.

Path: Home / Country List / Children's crossing signs worldwide / on the Azores
More signs from the Azores: Men at work - Falling rock signs
Roadsigns from Portugal: Men at work - Children's Crossing Signs - Falling Rock Signs