In almost as many cases, the animal represents nature, or the environment.
Most of the rest refers to Grimm's fairy tale and then the frog is used to illustrate escape from limitation, a change for the better, or excellence. There is then a certain resemblance to the usage of goldfish.
It goes without saying that smashing frogs against the wall, or sleeping with them, unmarried, doesn't do any good for a brand's image. So copywriters are happy enough to forget the original and only work with the kiss.
Dare to create, which was the slogan of Zefa at that time. I have no idea how to read this advertisement. Has it something to do with the acquirement, in 2001, of Beneluxpress by Zefa and its mother company? And is Zefa then the princess who will make a beautiful prince of Beneluxpress, now considered a frog? Unlikely, especially since we are in 2003, which is two years after the merger.
Is the image chosen in order to support the slogan? That is not very successful either. In the fairy tale, the princess does not create a prince from a frog. With her kiss she breaks the spell of which the prince is the victim: no creation here, only undoing. Conclusion: could be better for a sector that prides itself on its creativity.
new princerefers to the exceptional quality of this printer, its speed and reliability compared to other devices. The fairy tale is present, though, because the output shows a giant Red eyed Tree Frog sprinkled with the invitation
Kiss me!
Kissed enough frogs?
Who wants to marry a prince(ss), needs to kiss many frogs …Although I know about fairy tales where the frog is a princess, or a witch, I am not aware of stories where the prince needs to kiss the frog in order to make the transformation happen.
It is a jobadvert placed by a company which is, says the advert: an extremely creative and refreshing communication agency
They certainly play above my level of creative understanding: I have no idea what kissing frogs has to with creativity and Desk Top Publishing.
gives you 10 hours of continuous talk time to ask Cindy Crawford for her handand also
170 hours of uninterupted standby time waiting for her answer. The humorous approach continues with:
Well, if you can't have the woman most men dream of, you still have the cell phone. So, you, the reader, are the toad. A rather strange statement to a potential customer. There is also no chance that the toad's (i.e. your) appearance will change for the better by a kiss from the princess (role played by Cindy) or by using the telephone. All by all a weird approach.
The credit card on offer (6) has so many advantages that the reader, impersonated by the frog, wonders: Can the card also turn me into a fairytale prince?
Follow the right course (7) and you will Transform yourself into a ICT power user!
Once again you, the reader, are considered a toad. They don't seem to realize that the skills learned in this case (proficiency with software) will not affect one's appearance.
Discover the magic world of ICT!
A short word about the use of magic world
. I am not entirely happy with the usage in this context. The world of ICT is indeed
full of magic, weird behaviours, and unexpected results. Therefore magic world
, meaning a world producing illusions, may very well be adequate, but I would rather prefer a magical world, a world which is enchanting by its possibilities, not by its creations —which should be very sharply defined and behave like expected.
A final word about the colour cast of the toad in 7 and 8. The poor animal changes colour with the text. A clear case of a press operator, or prepress department not quite mastering their trade. Unless, of course, the cool blue is by purpose and meant to appeal more to the professionals. But even then, the blueish of the background should not affect the animal.
Break the spellseems to suggest that some dark force has made it impossible for you to communicate globally. Kind of like the princely frog who was also limited in his options. But as I see it, unlike for the poor prince, no spell was cast to mess up your contact with the rest of the world. From the body text of the advert it emerges that
whatever you wish for your global communicationstheir solutions will make it happen. So to illustrate the link between your wish and we make it happen a magic wand (which does magic and may create) would be better suited than an allusion to the breaking of a spell (which is a reversal of the magic).
In a later run of the advert (10) a second panel was added and an attempt was made at some humour. Long legs in stockings
accompanied with Seamless communications
and communications that are snag-free.
Would they still dare such an approach 20 years later?
If this reminds you of how much your network solutions provider can grow, …The text then continues with
You'd jump at any chance to make your business grow. …and
… make your company hop far enough. We have the keywords jump, and hop, and we have the fingertip sized frog. The frog stands for the limitations of your current telecom possibilities. The idea is straightforward.
The small print however is confusing, to say the least. Occasionally an advertisement tries to learn us something about the
species shown (see f.e. Giraffe, Bats,
Dolphins). In the case at hand the tiny brown frog comes accompanied with the
following information:
The Red Eyed Tree Frog is distinct because of the lack of capacity to grow. Even at full adulthood, it can only reach a maximum size of 2 inches for both males and females.
I am not entirely happy with this elucidation.
A quick look-up on any search engine will reveal that females of this species grow about one inch taller than the males.
Not that I trust answers coming from the internet with my eyes closed, but still. Also the frog in question undeniably
has the capacity to grow, otherwise it would never develop from tadpole into adult —unless the tadpole is bigger than
the adult. But then, the tadpole has grown from the egg. And there is more.
The Red Eyed Tree Frog is the frog of choice for many advertisers. The species does appear several times on this page (Nos. 3, 9, 22–26, 32). While it's great to learn interesting things about the live of animals, it is troubling that the species in the picture is not the Red Eyed Tree Frog. I checked with our species watchguard and neither he nor I could find any reference to a brown stage in this frog's life. Also the pupils of the eyes in the advert are horizontal, which is wrong. Let's assume they are better in broadband than in species identification. It is an example of inadequate proof reading for sure.
A chance for them – A chance for you!When you buy a lottery ticket, part of what you spend goes to organizations for the protection of nature and the environment. The frogs stand in for the world with all its creatures.
Notice how the title was changed, probably to adapt to what people find most important. In the first version (12) the title says: buy them a chance (to live) and you will get a chance (to win). Later productions (13, 14) are saying: buy yourself a chance to win and in doing so give them a chance to live.
acts specifically on edema. I presume that the vocal sac of the frog is meant to evoke the idea of an edema.
to have a frog in the throat(16, 17) — French people reportedly are having cats in their throats.
With your stomach upset, even a sip of water may be too muchand it is therefore a good thing that you can take this pill without any water.
Feeling bloated(19) may be an allusion to the vocal sac (see also 15).
Should I stick to the rules of this site, then A clear view of pure water
(21) would not have been included ¶. We humans love a nice splash in clean water, and frogs love it too
so the frog plays the role of a frog. I gladly make an exception for this one, because adverts where animals other than pets
simply stand for themselves, are extremely rare.
Advertisements 22–25 show the frog (the popular Red Eyed Tree Frog) as a proxy for nature and the environment:
in № 22 a developing machine with built-in recovery module for silver; in № 23 a world-leader in forest products
has a responsibility – to the world.
; and in №s 24 and 25 the frog means that the
banana is certified by the Rainforest Alliance. The latter two are part of a much larger series with the colourful frog.
Frogs are green and they may disappear in the real green
of your lawn if you apply the right fertilizer (27).
● Frogs jump and with a play of words this car dealer invites you to follow the example of the frog and pop into his showroom (28). ● Some frogs are venomous —His poison makes you crazy
(29)— and in, again, a play of words you
are warned that the same could happen because of the awesome colour combination of the vehicles.
● Frogs —at least when not sitting in trees— have a frog's eye view of the world. People
should look at their career from a different perspective
(30, 31). The same picture is used 4 years apart by the same
employer but a different selection agency. I suppose that the frog's eye view is the perspective to be avoided, but
I am not entirely sure.
● The multimedia projector of № 32 gets its vibrant green from the Red Eyed Tree Frog. The blue and the red
come from a butterfly and a parakeet.
with a heart for naturewe are told about the Yellow-bellied toad. The iris in the eye of this species has a pupil in the shape of a heart. A hint of fairy tale's magic and humour is also present:
the chance that you can have a deep look into this enchanting eyes is close to nihil, because the species is extinct in the region.
It may be the time to suggest a small improvement in copywriter training. Almost always, when trying to raise the standard of an advertisement by mentioning the scientific name of an animal, every word is capitalized (as here Bombina Variegata
, or
here Tursiops Truncatus
). Correct would be to capitalize only the genus name: Bombina variegata, in italics naturally. How to write scientific names should be part of the curriculum.
The camera for light travellers
everything you need … to make your photos a big success, but I have no idea why this image was chosen. In my opinion the keyword is big success —because this situation of a frog travelling on a snail is really quite something— and not travelling light — because someone wandering around taking his home with him, is hardly a case of travelling light, less so with a home sized frog on the roof.