Impactad for colour printers (1) literaly says
… and stand out from the gray mass. Professional reports are only one push on a button away.
The fuel ad from Argentina (2) follows the same line of thinking.
Is the fuel you use good enough for the traffic?
And the colourful
fish escapes from the slow dull-eyed mass. The same brand lets a goldfish announce
premium service (Goldfish No. 8).
Colour good enough to eat
better than life photo-realismand only a second look reveals that the cat is after a real fish, not a picture ! That gives us an entirely different story. The anti-slip mat really can save lifes.
How bright do you have to be to have success in business?(7) And then
It may be good to fish in murky water, but from a business point of view it is better to speak clear language…Choosing for this paper would be a good start. In this advert the superior colours in print are important. The same make ran also an advert where a toad was shown, but then to stress the smoothness of the paper.
The second advert (8) six years
after the former uses the same fish for a similar message for a similar product.
This specific species is probably chosen because of the bright blue dots : the
story mentions dot precision, brightness, colours
Later on we will see how not only the same species, but even the very same
individual is used on several occasions. Could it be because of a shortage
in stock pictures?
Life, Lifestylewristwatch message. Okay, the idea is to buy a set of two, but why the fish ? It is not for the first time I have a problem understanding adverts for watches ([Illustration 2]).
quality: much?, broad?, square?, high?, fishy ? It's difficult to believe they couldn't come up with something better than fish to say
High quality for a small price— as if someone really would believe it. Perhaps a strange shortcut during a brainstorm let them fall off the quality-price thread into slimy fish and mucus in the bronchi.