Pictures: 21.xii.1998, 06.xi.2011
In 2011, the rubble was removed, the cárcavo was shut in order to avoid accidents and the place was secured against wandering cattle.
Though there are two doors, the space inside is without any divisions. This was most probably originally different. The stones are situated behind the window and the door in the center of the façade.
azulejo(6) telling us this is a grain mill is certainly worth mentioning. It is a rare occurrence and in a relatively good condition (the one in Nueno did much worse).
However you look at it — its size, the quality of the masonry (13), the walls which are 0.5 m thick and reach to the top of the roof (14) — the mill pond is impressive.
† Notice the difference in the tiling of the roof:
South = losas
or flat natural stone; North = baked tiles (14)