Nederlands Path: Home / Country list / Falling Rock Signs worldwide / Falling Rock Signs in Thailand

Falling Rock Signs found in Thailand

Prachin Buri, 20.xi.2018; pict. Baeten & De Dier

Prachin Buri, 20.xi.2018;
pict. Baeten & De Dier
Unlike the downright ugly warning signs for road works and crosswalks for children, the falling rock signs are rather nice. The sample is small, I know, and we may have been lucky with this one.

Falling rock signs showing a vehicle are a rare find. The area seems to be limited to mainly South– (e.g. Costa Rica), and also North–America (e.g. U.S. of A.).

Apart from being out of the main range we notice another peculiarity: the vehicle is hit by a rock! This feature is only shared with one other find: a sign from the U.S.A.

Notice the person at the wheel. A star-shaped line tells us that his head is hitting something. It can't be the rock because it falls on the roof and the roof doesn't dent enough to hit his head. I assume his head hits the windshield. Would he make an emergency stop out of fear? That certainly is not a good idea in a place where rocks come down.

Mt Rainier Washington, USA, ix.2001;
pict. S. Visser
Path: Home / Country list / Falling Rock Signs worldwide / in Thailand
More roadsigns from Thailand: Men at Work - Children's Crossing Signs