Much better than the warning signs in the neighbouring countries. It's not perfect but we can still
recognize real people with nice details like clothing and a poney. This is exceptional
in the zone of influence of the former Sovjet Union where roadsigns usually
are of a substandard match-stick design (e.g. Lithuania,
Such a long poneytail is a feature not often seen. Only some countries
carry one : Austria, Madagascar and also Poland where it's about the only nice thing that did survive the extreme iconizing process.
Now let your eye wander down to the legs of the boy. Isn't there something
peculiar? The thigh is more slender than the rest of the leg. The more you
look at it, the more it gets unrealistic. I'm also not happy with the front leg of the
girl. I know that she is running and that her skirt is probably
more fit for walking, but even then.
The insertion of her leg looks unreal in my opinion.
Well, considering all the above, let's start this page again: Not any better
than the warning signs in the neighbouring countries. It's far from perfect ...