M. P. Benito (
†), who did his field work in 1984 (!),
gives a short description of the layout of the workplace (translated from Spanish):
Silos, meant to receive olives, are situated at both sides of the entrance.
The stones where the olives were crushed are at the right hand side. Against the
opposite wall we have the cantilever press.
The mill and the church where situated close to each other at opposite sides
of the same road.
In March 1965 a villager is reported carrying 1155.5 kg of olives to Barbastro and coming back with
100 liters of oil. The conclusion is that the mill then already must have been out of
business (†).
† M. P. Benito
—1982— Rescate etnografico en zonas despobladas: Puy de Cinca.
— Revista de Ciencias Sociales del Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses; Num. 94, p391-426.
ISSN: 2445-0561
° Instituto Geográfico
Nacional of Spain, series MTN50, Ed. 1952, leaf 250