Mills in Altoaragón - batán


Lacort and certainly its batán (fulling-mill), is the most referenced ruin of Aragón. The humble remains are visible from the harinero looking in the direction of the suspension-bridge. We first visited the site in 1989. At the time of our follow-up visit in january 1998 no machinery was left in place. It has presumably been taken to Fiscal. In december 2001 the most typical part of the batán stood in a dedicated construction in Fiscal next to the bridge over the Río Ara.

Pictures: xii.1989, xii. 2001

Many authors spend several pages on the batán of Lacort: Pallaruelo, Wilmes, Acín and others (like Krüger). I don't think I can do better than the mentioned authors. Please study the books (at least Acín Fanlo published in december 1998) and visit the site as a pilgrimage.
Find Fiscal on the main road between Broto and L'Ainsa. Cross the bridge over the Río Ara to enter the village and find the reconstruction of the batán on your right side. On the other side of the road fights the old flour mill and power station of Fiscal against further dilapidation.

in situ december 1989
Many parts of the batán at the original place in Lacort were already lost at the time of the rescue. Some parts in the open air museum necessarily are replicas but both pictures prove how original material was used where possible: compare the hammers and the balks.

A small panel on one of the walls explains the construction and the functioning of the machinery. Keep your Spanish dictionary ready.

in Fiscal december 2001

wheel in situ december 1989
replica in Fiscal december 2001

Find a picture of the batán during the 1950s in
La Solana – Vida cotidiana en un valle altoaragonés
by Carlos Baselga Abril — 1999 — ISBN 84-605-8764-9
The picture is at page 40.

Visit the nearby flour mill and power station of Fiscal.

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