Mills in Alto Aragón


Escartín is abandoned and remote but the walk is most rewarding because you'll walk between the best stone walled terraces (bancales) of the whole region.
From Fiscal (should be on any map) take the narrow road to Bergua. Once there park your vehicle and locate the start of the path towards Escartín at the west end of the village. You'll descend into the Barranco Forcos, cross the footbridge and after a while reach a branch. You can make a circular walk in either direction but clock-wise is better to appreciate the terraces. • The left branch stays down in the Bco de Otal. After some time you'll come at the path between Basarán and Escartín: turn right and walk uphill to the mill. • The right branch brings you first to the village from where you can walk down to the mill and then back to Bergua through the valley.

Pictures: 25.III.2008

Barranco as Carreras with mill (white stroke) and Bco d'Otal with Basarán (black stroke).


I am not sure that the construction under discussion really is a (the) mill. I presume it once was because of the milling stone in the wall (3), the presence of a canal behind the building (4) and the elevated bank (2) which could well have been a seat for a couple of stones.
There is a mill mentioned for Escartín but at a place called O Millar located much deeper in the Bco de Otal (). The same source says the locals went to Bergua for their grinding needs.
Notice the seam (2) telling that this section was built later against an existing construction.

(3) a runner in the wall.
(4) canal.

(6) crucifix, año 1870 and several numbers more.


 1) José María Satué Sanromán —1997— Semblanzas de Escartín.
Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses (Diputación de Huesca)
I.S.B.N: 84-8127-021-0
  2) José María Satué Sanromán —1999— Sobrepuerto: Naturaleza en silencio.
Zaragoza; I.S.B.N: 84-930961-0-5

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