Mills in Alto Aragón — molino aceitero


Escartín's mill is situated south from Sabiñanigo in the valley of the Río Guarga. From Sabiñanigo drive southwards toward Huesca. Past Lanave turn left for Boltaña. After a while you'll find the molino de Escartín at the right side next to the road.

From Boltaña cross the Río Ara and take the road towards Lanave. It's a long and winding road through a beautiful and wild landscape. After about 20 km you'll pass the road for Matidero. After again about as many kms you'll find the mill of Escartín at your left next to the road.

Pictures: 10.iv.2007

(1) Molino de Escartín: front.
The milling activities stopped somewhere in the 1950s. During a decade around the turn of the century construction workers were never far away. It became a nice spot for a short holiday, but there is nothing much left for the mill addict.

The most telling signs are parts of milling stones scattered over the property: just lying there or garding the flowerbeds or incorporated in resting-places or picnic-tables (2, 3, 4).


The remains of the waterworks are most impressive, even now when we can only look at a bleak memory of the past.

The pond is filled up with earth and planted with trees (5, 6), but it's still clear that the size was enormous. The Río Guarga isn't a mountain river fed with melting water of the snows and often doesn't carry much water. A huge reservoir made it easier to survive such periods.

A massive wall (7) formed the south wall of the embalse (mill pond).

(5) pond with mill in background.
(6) pond seen from the mill.

A gutter (visible in 6 far right) can still deliver water to the building. I wonder if there might be anything interesting inside.

The watersupply channel arrives at the far end of the mill pond (6). It's easy to follow from here to the capture point. You'll first walk on an earthen dyke, then into a woody stretch (8). Next there is a section longing the river (9) and after some shrub you'll eventually reach the start of the channel (10) with the azud (11, dam). We are now 600 m away from the mill! A tube, lain in the channel, nowadays brings water to the swimming pool.

(9) blue line shows position of supply channel.


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