Nederlands Path: Home / Country list / Falling Rock Signs / Falling Rock Signs in Pakistan

Falling Rock Signs in Pakistan

near Tatopani, IX.1991
near Tatopani, IX.1991
near Murree, IX.1991
near Murree, IX.1991
Although most do not, several countries (e.g. Spain, Sicily, Norway, Turkey, Japan and France) also show stripes sug­gesting the rocks are falling. Pakistan, however, is one of the very few countries to suggest impact forces as well.
Notice also that the boulder collides with the red bottom border of the panel, not with a line representing the ground. No impact effects are shown when the ground is shown.

The sign at the right has a close relative in Japan.

Path: Home / Country List / Falling Rock Signs / Rocks in Pakistan
More roadsigns from Pakistan: Children's Crossing Signs