Nederlands Path: Home / Country list / Men at Work signs / in Vietnam

Men at Work signs in Vietnam

Da Nang City, 16.VII.2012; pict. M. Tailly
Mekong area, 21.VII.2012; pict. M. Tailly
Mekong area, 21.VII.2012; pict. M. Tailly

Vietnam has a most diverse set of Men at Work signs.
There are some influences from abroad (e.g. the rectan­gular canvas from China or the heap from the Mediteranean region) but most drawings are local breed.
Several of the men wear a hard hat and the speed limit is set at a extremely low 5km/h. This suggests that Vietnam finds safety at work and on the road rather important, more so than many other count­ries where people work unprotected.

Saigon, XI.2001; pict. N. Heerink
Saigon, XI.2001; pict. N. Heerink
Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City); 1996
Mekong area, 21.VII.2012; pict. M. Tailly
Mekong area, 21.VII.2012; pict. M. Tailly
Mekong area, 21.VII.2012; pict. M. Tailly

Several aspects of the signs are worth a closer look. We have men who are poking, probing, tapping, digging or fighting. They do it with heaps with shapes like triangles, snails, domes or craters.
The men range from slender to muscular; there are one heap or two; there is no bottom line as a rule, but some­times there is; and the style varies wildly from home made to flat factory produce. Collector's delight so to say.
Mekong area, 21.VII.2012; pict. M. Tailly
Mekong area, 21.VII.2012; pict. M. Tailly

Save the weird protrusion of the head, this is the mediterranean design. It looks like it's gradually expanding its range to the whole Eurasian continent.

Mekong area, 21.VII.2012; pict. M. Tailly

Home made but with all the necessary elements. A straight back, a protruding leg: challenge and conquer (the heap, I mean).


Notice that the hard hat shown on the signs doesn't match the people's headgear. The Man at Work signs should feature a pointed hat like in Taiwan.

Path: Home / Country list / Men at work in depth / in Vietnam
More roadsigns from Vietnam: Children's crossing - Falling Rock Signs