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Animals in advertising – Turtles
Among the Reptiles, turtles are the most popular group present in advertisements. They don't have much to say though.

Half the time they are used because they walk slowly: some thing, or service, is slow, or very fast. Small wonder we'll find computers and telecom related products in this category.

Other times we see turtles because they live long, some in the sea, or because they carry a shield.

And sometimes it is not clear why they were chosen.

first published: i.2025

Turtles are famous
for their thoughtful movements and about half of their occurrences in advertisements relate to this behaviour. In the remaining cases they were chosen for their shell, or their longevity, or their life in the sea and sometimes I have no idea why a turtle was featured.

 Usage type:  Turtles are slow

The slowness of the turtle
is seen as negative; inertia is something to be avoided. All products, or services, emphasize that they are fast and accomplish a lot in a short time. It should come as no surprise that this is the preferred approach for computers and telecom equipment. But also for job vacancies! After all, they are always looking for energetic, decisive people who jump right in. They are looking for doers, not thinkers.

(1) 1987 – Tired of waiting? — computer.
(2) 1987 – Make a turtle fly — telefax.

In Tired of waiting?
(1) we learn that Sometimes the exchange of information happens at the breakneck speed of a turtle. (from Dutch). The rest of the text says that this is easily remedied with a computer of the right brand. This is the pure turtle slow idea.

How does a turtle
zip around the world!? are we asked in № 2 which is an advertisement for a telefax device (it is the 1980s!). And they continue: not only a turtle is on the other side of the world in the blink of an eye. From now on You can also send all your business documents lightning fast. This again is the pure turtle slow idea. Another brand, a year earlier (in 1986) also emphasizes the speed of communication and reports how an elephant cruised from Brussels to New-York at 500 times the speed of sound abord a miniature device, their fax machine. Alternatively, we have seen a fax device being sold with the help of seals. But in that case, it is the reliability of the communication that is important, not the speed.

(3) 2001 – Why slow when fast is possible! — computer.
(4) 2000 – Life in the fast lane — executive search.

In Why like this …
if it can be done like this! (3) the astonishing speed of a new model of desktop computer is contrasted with, once again, the slowness of the turtle. No other feature of the animal is mentioned.

In Have your career path
or business slowed down a little lately? (4), the turtle again stands for the unwanted situation that needs to be remedied. And, here also, not a word about the turtle.


 Usage type:  Turtles and Aesopus

The fable of
Aesopus about the hare and the tortoise taught us that slow and steady wins the race. This is much the same approach as turtles are slow, but with the added idea of ​​perseverance, or slow and steady, reliable. So essentially the turtle is being used as a positive example here.

(5) ???? – Diabetes treatement.
(6) 19xx – Boost your productivity — ISDN.

(7) 2004 – Increase your savings performance. — savings account.
The advertisement for
the diabetes treatement (5) refers to the fable and to the natural state of both animals. Neither animal has been manipulated (the neck stretched, or put on skaters) like in all the remaining examples.

It is not immediately clear why these two were chosen, but from the long text (without any reference to hare or turtle) I deduce that it is because the product is absor­bed quickly and starts working soon (the hare) and then continues to work longer (the turtle). Straightforward and close to the stereotypes, you would think, but beware, the animals here are not competitors like in the fable. They are collaborating!

The same holds true for the savings account of № 7. Your turtle-like performing savings are hitching a ride on the hare's back to a better return. Again, cooperation, unless the hare runs away with the turtle, because then it is theft. It would probably surprise no one.

(8) 2002 – With an average score you are dead — marketing congress.
(9) 2000 – Couldn't wait — job vacancies.

Our next examples
(8, 9) may be inspired by the fable, but the hare is no longer there. It is now a battle between turtles only. So all the participants are slow and steady. But, unlike in advertisements №s 5 and 6 where slow steadfastness is viewed positively, this trait in №s 8 and 9 is viewed with pity. And the winner does not cross the finish line first by hard work, but by cunning; which indeed may be more appropriate in the business world. Or in politics, because there is also a slightly modified version of advertisement № 8 tailored to the political world. The new politician is a born attention manager. are we told by an attention manager par excellence instead of If your company scores average, then you belong to the category of dead companies. by a Funky business guru.


 Usage type:  Turtles live long and therefore have all the time

(10) 1992 – Some creatures lead long lives — computer.
(11) 2004 – Take your time … — mobile pricing plan.

Nature equips many creatures
to lead long and productive lives (10) is about notebook computers equipped with batteries which give you lasting power on the road. From the setup and the reference to Mother Nature I would think the computer and the turtle have something in common. Even after a careful reading of the accompanying text, I am not entirely sure what that could be. Most likely the (smal) size is important, otherwise why would the image have Actual size printed in small letters? But what that has to do with the heading remains a mystery.

Take your time to say it
(11) is also flawed in my opinion. It is about a mobile pricing plan which allows you to make many calls without exceeding your budget. The telephone has been replaced by a turtle. But it is not the telephone that makes the cost exceed the limit. It is the person who calls a lot and for a long time! Therefore an image that would fit the message correctly would be one where the person, not the phone, is replaced by the turtle. Hence a turtle talking long and thoughtfully into a phone to its ear.

Unless you're in a hurry
to show your real age (19) is for a skin moisturizer which slows down visible aging. In its opening the advertisement tries to steal a chuckle with We were inspired by Maxine, a 60-year-old turtle who looks only 30, and then continues with a dash of science Inspired by Sirtuin technology ¥. The text closes with another chuckle stealer: Of course, age will catch up with us at some point. But take your time.

This advert stands out. It is the only one that combines the turtle with bit of humor. It is also the only advert where there is some (scientific) content beside an easy reference to the longevity of turtles.

 Usage type:  Turtles and the environment

(12) 2002 – Driven by environment — environment friendly concrete.
Everything We Do is
Driven by Environment (12) is about concrete, a building material with a inherent capability to prevent usage of scarce agricultural soil in production process. It is hence an environment friendly corner stone of contemporary architechture (sic).

The turtle represents the environment that is pro­tectively wrapped in concrete. Why not use a snail? With a concrete shell on its back? Are they perhaps not rare enough?

How reassuring to know that we can save the Earth and all its creatures by pouring concrete, albeit this special green kind, over it.

(13) 2021 – Influencers wanted — job vacancies.
(14) 2021 – Invest in our future — private banking.

Influencers wanted shows
a sea turtle in a precarious situation (13). The advertisement to attract new staff was placed by a Dutch university that is embedding sustainability as part of all its study programmes —more at the relevant website (latest check 28.xii.2024). The private banking company of № 14 raises the same gigantic problem of the world's oceans and tells us that they are thinking about our future and therefore are investing heavily in sustainable and socially responsible investments.

In both messages, the turtle represents our planet with all its creatures that are victims of man's unbridled consumption habits. And the situation is very well chosen because the state of our seas is indeed worrying.

 Usage type:  Turtle's miscellaneous

(15) 2002 – Refresh yourself in weightlessness — bed.
(16) 2017 – Dive into our world — watches.

Our next two examples
(15–16) also feature a turtle roaming the oceans, but I don't see why they were chosen. Refresh yourself in weightlessness (15) is for a bed. Maybe the turtle was chosen because it feels freed from the weight of its shell when it is swimming in the sea? Just as man forgets the burden of the day in this excellent bed?

Dive into our world of Watch wonders (16) is for jewelry and luxury watches. The dial of a wrist­watch is mounted in the turtle's carapace. A second watch serves as the front of a diver's helmet —note that such a helmet is also present in № 15. Again, I don't see why a turtle was chosen. Or is it perhaps because its shell allows the animal to dive safely deep underwater and the watch can survive the same? Who knows?

Animals regularly appear in jewelry advertisements. We have seen ant, sea snail, cattle, giraffe, but never oyster and it is only with the latter that I can think why that species would be chosen.

(17) 2007 – Volume and ingenuity — car.
(18) 2009 – In a hurry to show your age? — skin moisturizer.

Volume and ingenuity
(17). This family car combines it all: sportiness, volume, ease of use, handy gadgets, you name it. However, we are still left with a big question mark: why the turtle? The animal looks like it was launched from the back of the car. The animal is also noticeably large compared to the vehicle. What is the story behind this photo montage?

Conclusion :
It is clear that advertisers don't really know what to do with turtles. The animals have hardly any useful characteristics: they are slow and they live long. Hardly anything that could be linked to a product, certainly not in a positive sense. Who wants to buy something slow? And who nowadays wants to sell something that lasts long? Other animal species are often used to achieve a humorous effect. But even this seems almost impossible with turtles.

Chapters about Reptiles:
  • Turtle
  • Snake
  • Chameleon
  • Other reptiles

 I will use the word turtle for the whole order of Testudines without trying to differentiate between turtle, tortoise, terapin, or whatever.
 We have other examples where building material is considered green and friendly for the environment. See f.e. [Illustration 3] where we learn that bricks made from quartz sand, lime, water, and cement never cause any pollution.
¥ Sirtuin proteins are a family of signaling proteins which from in vitro studies were thought to be involved in a variety of biological functions mostly related to aging, metabolic regulation, stress response, … As of 2018, there was no clinical evidence that sirtuins affect human aging. This advert was published 10 years earlier, however.
 Maybe we should write one of the very few, because some people might find № 11 also humorous.

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