Mills in Altoaragón - harinero, central eléctrica


Find Lacort on the road between L'Ainsa and Broto. Coming from Broto, pass Sta. Olaria de Ara and from then on look out for the suspension bridge. Lacort is on your left side. The flour mill is about half way between the road and the river opposite the village.
The mill got its water from the Río Ara.

Pictures: xii.1989, xii.1995 and iv.2007

(1) Harinero of Lacort
(18) Noria in 1989

The noria was probably used to bring river water up to the (fields of the) village of Lacort. The wheel lifted water up into the channel supported by the wall which is visible at the right in pictures 18 and 19. Picture 20 shows the stone wall with the channel in concrete resting on it.
The site — the mill, the channels and the noria — is in a sorry state (19). Trees are taking over, the roof of the mill is gone and the white stones at the foot of the noria are the remains of the washboard (see waterworks). It probably lost the battle against some extra E.C. subsidies for the farmer.

(19) Noria in 2007

(21) Noria in 1989

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