Mills in Altoaragón - harinero, central eléctrica


Find Lacort on the road between L'Ainsa and Broto. Coming from Broto, pass Sta. Olaria de Ara and from then on look out for the suspension bridge. Lacort is on your left side. The flour mill is about half way between the road and the river opposite the village.
The mill got its water from the Río Ara.
Visit the Batán of Lacort.

Pictures: xii.1989, xii.1995 and iv.2007

(1) Harinero of Lacort
(13) Two couples of stones

The workplace is in disarray. Exploring the mess yields most of the normal accessories, but all are mouldy and desintegrating fast (13, 14, 15).

Two pairs of stones are sitting on a bench. In La Solana is written that one pair presumably was dedicated to flour for bread and the other to fodder.

One of the walls carries a metal ring (17) with holes for bolts: the mill was equipped with a turbine and a generator to produce electricity.

Old maps indicate powerlines towards Tricas and San Felices de Ara but a much larger area probably was provided for.

(14) bolting machine
(15) corn sifting machine

(16) Units of measure in tolva
(17) Spot where the turbine was

La Solana - Vida cotidiana en un valle altoaragonés
by Carlos Baselga Abril - 1999 - ISBN 84-605-8764-9
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