From here on it is still 12 km of dirt road more. You won't need a 4x4 vehicle when the weather is dry. Park the car near the crossroads where Bara is signposted. Walk the short stretch and take the opportunity to visit the presa on the Río Guatizalema. Nocito has a camping site.
The power was turned on for the first time in March 1926! People dragged the turbine 12 km from the Molino de Villobas. The powerstation was the property of a society of most of Nocito's inhabitants. The network was limited to Nocito and the santuario de San Úrbez nearby.
This old generator produced continuous current (DC).
The powerstation was shut down in April 1960 when the number of inhabitants dropped below the critical minimum to continue the maintenance of the turbine.
In 1972 the village council decided to install a new power station at the same place and the first alternating current (AC) left the building on Christmas of that year. This new powerstation stayed in use until deep in the 1990s when pylons reached Nocito. The engine was still ready to run at the time of our visit.
Inside we recognize the crane with its cabra, the controlling wheel of the levador and an octangular guardapolvo (as in Almunias de Rodellar).
The cárcavo, ready to collapse, hides a metallic rodete.
Read more about Nocito
Cara y Cruz en Nocito
El ayer y el hoy de una comunidad en la Sierra de Guara
De la Calle Ysern & Morán Viscasillas
126pp. - 1994
Ed. Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses (Diputación de Huesca)
ISBN 84-8127-010-5