Mills in Altoaragón - harinero

Larrés: molino Entrapar

Larrés lies in the valley of the Río Aurín which discharges in the Río Gallego near Sabiñanigo. The mill (named molino de Larrés on some recent maps), however, is much nearer to Cartirana and Sabiñanigo than to Larrés. From Sabiñanigo take the N-260 to­wards Biescas and France. There is a roundabout just before the bridge over the Río Aurín. Turn left. This is a stretch of the old road leading to Jaca. After about 0.5 km the road will rise and turn left. At that point turn right in a smaller road. Drop your vehicle after about 100m and walk towards the river. The mill is hidden between the trees.

Pictures: 02.I.2012

(1) The mill is an empty carcass.
The remains of the mill were almost invisible between the trees and the shrubs (many thorny). Only some of the outer walls were still upright (1) and, because of the brambles, we really could not work our way into the construction and search for traces of the former activities.
We can deduce from holes in the wall that the building counted two floors. Probably, like in many places, the miller's living quarters would have been on the top floor and the business downstairs.

(2) Outlets at the base of the eastern wall.
At the foot of the wall facing East (2) two outlets can be seen. Both cárcavos are full of silt but it looks like sometimes water still passes through the cárcavo closest to the river (3 right).
An axle-tree (arbol) made of wood and still looking rather good can be seen in the cárcavo at right (4). I am not sure if there is one in the cárcavo left also: I couldn't come close enough because there is more silt there.

(3) Two cárcavos

(4) The arbol (axle-tree) made from wood is still in the cárcavo right (3).

(5) Start of the canal in the río Aurín
Water for the mill was tapped from the Río Aurín. The inlet of the canal (5) lies about 1 km upstream from the position of the mill. The first stretch runs in the riverbed and is separated from the main artery of the river by a raised bank of sand and stones.
The canal then becomes a broad and deep ditch which follows the river bank and is conspicuous in the landscape because of the brownish colour (6) of the sedges flourishing in it. This part of the canal is probably still used to water the lawns, gardens and flower beds (6). The final stretch ending in the pond is more like a gutter (7).

(6) Canal easily recognized by the yellowish sedges.

(7) The final stretch before the pond.

(8) Inlet to the mill in a corner of the pond.

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