Nederlands Path: Home / Country list / Falling Rocks in depth / Falling Rock Signs in Madagascar

Falling Rock Signs in Madagascar

Andasibe, 22.X.2012; pict. H. De Meyer

Andasibe, 22.X.2012; pict. H. De Meyer

Countrary to the other categories of our collection encounters with Falling Rock Signs in Madagascar are extremely rare. There are almost none, or they flee humans, or our team must have missed the good spots.

The single rock sign we have comes together with some other roadsigns in a general warning that if you access this road it is on your own risk.
The painting is done on an oldstyle concrete canvas. The falling rock sign, however, is a copy of the most common modern rock sign in France.

Path: Home / Country list / Falling Rock Signs / Falling Rock Signs in Madagascar
More roadsigns from Madagascar: Men at Work Signs - Children's Crossing Signs