Nederlands Path: Home / Country list / Men at Work signs / in Ghana

Men at Work signs in Ghana

near Bejim, 22.I.2016; pict. J. Breine

near Bejim, 22.I.2016; pict. J. Breine
near Bejim, 22.I.2016; pict. J. Breine
Tema, 30.I.2016; pict. J. Breine

Accra, 30.I.2016; pict. J. Breine
There is a certain reminiscence about some roadsigns in Uganda, mainly because of the shape and the size of the heap, but Men at Work signs from Ghana seem to be a kind of their own.

Four finds with a singular drawing each: this points towards signs that are made by hand rather than by machine.

Weird: the first two samples show foldings. It isn't that they can be fold up to take less storage space between uses, is it? That would be really someĀ­thing.

Path: Home / Country list / Men at work in depth / Men at work in Ghana
More roadsigns from Ghana: Children's crossing signs