
Children's crossing in Nigeria

Ife, 1990; pict. N. Heerink
  Off Topic!, I feel the e-mails coming. But this roadsign is so extremely nice that I exceptionally, and gladly, skip the regular admission checks. We shouldn't always stick pig-headed to the rule book, should we? And it is a related sign after all.

A clear British influence would not come as a surprise. The country was for many years under the queen's rule. But instead we find a very nice localized warning-sign for a pedestrian crossing.

Notice the richness of the design:

  • local attire
  • New-world black on yellow colour-scheme
  • Old-world triangular shape
A sign as diverse as the nation.

Ife is a holy place for the Yoruba. Ife is the craddle from where mankind conquered the world.   Though this site is not about Pedestrian crossings, we have one other nice specimen on line. Find it in Burma.

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