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Falling Rock Signs from Hawaii

Maui, east-coast, XII.1996; pict. Baeten & De Dier

Our sample is small, I do know, but still, if you can't read, have forgotten your spectacles, are in love or otherwise foggy-eyed on your way, then Hawaii is not the safest country for you. In Hawaii text seems most important on warning signs. The Falling Rock sign along the road comes with text only and in the other sign the picture takes much less space than the textual warning. Also, I find it disturbing that rocks may fail to warn before falling down.

Signs with rocks threatening to bury a person are only found in less than a handfull of countries: see Peru, Canary Islands, New Zealand and China (they show rocks, but write objects).

Maui, 30.III.2014; pict. R. Fong
Path: Home / Country list / Falling Rocks in depth / in Hawaii
More signs from Hawaii: Men at work - Children's Crossing Signs
Road signs from the U.S.A.: Men at work - Children's Crossing Signs - Falling Rock Signs