Mill stones in Alto Aragón - mill stones

Viu de Linás

Viu de Linás (Torla) is on the main road between Broto and Biescas (N260a). Coming from the West (Biescas) two stones can be found at the área de descanso (rest area) just before the first sharp turn in the direction towards Broto/Torla.

The stones are reportedly from a mill in Linás de Broto .

Pictures: 02.i.2012, 25.v.2024 — Lon: -0.153792, Lat: 42.611463 (WGS84)

(1) ∅ 138 cm, 23 cm thick

(2) ∅ 138 cm, 22 cm thick

(3) Detail of stone (1)
(4) Detail of stone (2)


 Pablo Founaud — 2024 — Los molinos de Linás de Broto.
el Gurrión ii.2024, N° 174. Labuerda, I.S.S.N.: 1130-4960. pp.54–55.

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