Mills in Altoaragón - harinero

Santa Cilia de Jaca

Santa Cilia de Jaca is on the main road from Jaca to Pamplona (N 240), about 14 km to the West from Jaca. Alternatively the A-21 is also an option, with Santa Cilia having its own exit (km 92). The former mill is situated next to the church (1).

The mill is listed in the Sistema de Información del Patrimonio Cultural Aragonés ( The entry dates from 2009 and at that time the equipment was still present though the building was in use as a private house. Since then work has been done and it was not clear if the equipment was still present at the time of our visit.

Pictures: 18.viii.2016

(1) Former mill next to the church.
(2) Signboard telling us that this was a mill.

(3) Front with a mill stone.
(4) Back and side seen from the church.

(5) Mill stone with four armed rynd — ∅ 140cm.
(6) According to this stone comes
from an earlier mill now disappeared.

Path: Home / Alto Aragón: old mills / Santa Cilia de Jaca
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