Nederlands Path: Home / Country list / Children in depth / Children in Romania

Children's Crossing Signs in Romania

Godines (prov. Gorj), VII.2007; pict. De Knijf & Demolder
We have now several samples from Romania and the situation doesn't look very comforting for us roadsign collecting people. All panels in good shape are drawn in the modern sketchy way. Gone are the old fashioned signs.

Let's take a look at the Sintana and Maramures finds. They must belong amongst the ugliest on the global market. A junior road­sign research assistant would very well classify them with the UK-group of signs. A quick look at Great-Britain's page reveals that this can't be correct.

Sintana, VII.2000;
pict. W. Van Landuyt

Maramures, 27.VI.2009;
pict. J. Koelstra

Notice the shape of the head. It is a feature also found amongst the workmen.

Tulcea, VII.2016;
pict. B. Hoeyberghs

Notice the improvement: the head is connected.

Titerlesti (prov. Mehedinti), 18.VII.2007;
pict. De Knijf & Demolder
Dragomireste, 07.IX.2012;
pict. L. Parmentier
Godines (prov. Gorj), 17.VII.2007;
pict. De Knijf & Demolder

The find from Titerlesti is most likely the precursor of the more modern designs. We see basically the same scene but mirorred and that's exactly what usually happens when an older design is modernized.
The Godines sign is similar to the modern kind found in many countries around the Mediterranean Sea (See Malta). It kept a primitive feature in the horizontal stroke, however. This line was present in the older designs and it was preserved in the new drawing.

Tirga Mures, VII.2016;
pict. L. Parmentier

With this sign Romania conforms entirely to the Mediterranean group. The line at the bottom, the last primitive feature, is gone.
Path: Home / Country List / Children in depth / Children's crossing in Romania
More roadsigns from Romania: Men at Work Signs - Falling Rock Signs