Nederlands Path: Home / Start your own collection / Suggestions for novice and expert
Suggestions for novice and expert

Road signs may bring you the happiest hours in your life. After a fruitful expedition, nothing can go wrong any more. If, on the contrary, a long search adds nothing to the collection, life can seem dark and full of bitterness. The choice of a sign is therefore very important and needs to take following aspects into account:

The traffic sign is not very common

Although the sign may at places be abundant, the general idea is to search for it. If it grows in all countries on every corner, where is the fun?

The traffic sign is not too seldom used

If on the other hand, the sign of your choice is only used in one particular country, or only on very rare occasions, it would be almost impossible to keep showing a stimulating level of enthousiasm.
However, if you have reached expert level, a collection of traffic signs limited to one country (endemics) is a valuable option.

The traffic sign comes in more than one form

As clearly stated, this collection is about variation in the expression of a traffic message.
No variation = no collection.

The only, and therefore most difficult, hurdle to take is the choice of your subject. To make it easy for you, I have indicated some examples requiring different levels of expertise.

If You I suggest Discussion
are a novice
or a business man in for results.
Make a collection showing 10, 20, ..., 130

Extra challenge: Search for a 140 and over speed limit
Add the 5, 15, ... values

love driving on forest roads
or love the thrill of cars brushing by
This sign grows on quiet country roads, were you have plenty of time to deliberate and enjoy the pleasures of road sign collecting.
However, if you are more the present-day Just do it person, you can collect wildlife on the busy highways: risky business.
Take "Flattened Fauna" (R. Knutson, Amazon has it.) with you. Although it covers only North America: recommended.
are a road sign expert
or a retired farmer
or a birdwatcher having twitched every bird in the surroundings
A keen eye is needed. Because variability is in the udder and the horn, decision necessarily is a matter of seconds. To make things worse, an other car is always just behind you.

Extensions: Add sheep, horses and the like.

If You I suggest Discussion
love something unique This is an example of an endemic traffic sign. The message is unique and you find it on one place only.

Also acceptable is a completely different and unique picture for a more or less common message.
love cars You can restrict your self to trucks only. But I think you should make a collection of all possible means of transportation.

Extensions: Cross the message border and collect every sign depicting a vehicle: find some examples on this site.
love life on water
don't know

You may still not have found your favoured traffic sign.
In this case a visit to some of the suggested sign related sites may be a great help.

Previous section: Benefits of roadsign collecting

Path: Home / Start your own collection / Suggestions for novice and expert