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Links to related sites |
Other collections of roadsigns
Sites about traffic regulations General interest, history, learning, etc. Latest URL-check: ii.2022 |
Other collections of roadsigns or related material |
Les panneaux MICHELIN (Philippe De Priester) - site in French (short summary in English) Website covering almost everything about the good old Michelin road-signs showing the way on French roads. History, production methods, post cards, a treasure cave with many interesting pictures. |
www.jkoelstra.nl/ferkearsboerd/fb-lan.html - (Jan Koelstra) An extensive collection of roadsigns from all countries in Europe. Many animal signs, funny signs, wrongly mounted and unusual signs; and much more. (in Dutch) |
Petrol (Gasoline) and Oil Road Maps from Europe - (Ian Byrne) Website designed to give a brief history of Road Maps issued by, or in association with, petrol and oil companies in Europe. Parts of the site in several languages. Features quizzes. |
Crossings Signs of New England - (Stanley Rabinowitz) A growing collection of unusual croosing signs from New England (USA). Bike, Deer, Duck, Moose, People and Turtle; it's all there. |
Spanish no-overtaking signs
(Bob Kenyon) Roadsigns from Spain: no-overtaking (cars), cows, lorries, schoolchildren; links to other sites. |
Road work signs
(Maximilian Spring) A collection of pictures of men at work. The original photograph is shown and then the same image in different file formats: jpeg, corel draw, postscript, gif |
General interest, history, learning |
Chris's British Road Directory
A real treasure cove with detailed historical accounts about roads and related features. Contains a database with information about every UK motorway. Offers an international section discussing the numbering system in many countries. Much, much more. |
The Society for All British and Irish Road Enthusiasts
SABRE is a group interested in the history, design, geography and structure of the British and Irish road network. They exist as a forum for ideas and opinions and as a hub for information for better understanding of the UK and RoI road network and its history. Contains a Wiki and forums about roads, street furniture, maps, quizzes, more. |
The driving rules network was created to enhance our understanding of driving law and the rules of the road. It is part of the On line study guide for student and commercial drivers. Three main sections: parents, teens and any driver. Take the sign test (US situation). |
Driver's Ed Guru - Free online guide to learning to drive.
Know Someone Learning to Drive? We're here to help they say. The site is dedicated to providing free instruction and advice for everything related to learning how to drive. Become a parking expert and other how-to's; a training program; quizzes; more. (US situation but many parts universally valid). |
Sites about traffic regulations |
The European Traffic Code
European International Road Signs And Conventions. General Comments on the European Traffic Code. Suggestions for safe travel on European roads; more. |
www.fahrtipps.de Traffic regulations in Germany
(Straßenverkehrs-Ordnung as they call it). A huge site with probably all existing legalese concerning the German road code. Images of all roadsigns are provided. Site is in German only. |
An overview of the road-signs and regulations in France. In French only |
Manual of Traffic Signs (Richard C. Moeur) A listing of the most commonly used traffic signs in the United States. The signs are listed by type (regulatory, warning, marker, guide) and sub-type. Sources of official information, standard sign shapes, colours and their meanings. Links, and related papers. |
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices This document of the Federal Highway Administration of the U.S. describes what every road sign in the U.S. should look like. (From my point of view, I don't hope any-one is taking it too serious.) |